Here is the code for serial communication using AVR ATmega 8 RISC controller.
The functions used in this tutorial are
- uart_puts("zzz") :-> sends a string of character from data memory (RAM)
- uart_puts_P("xxxx"):-> sends a string of character from program memory (FLASH memory)
- uart_putc('x') :-> sends a single character
This has functions to transmit data from program memory also.
- Click to download project files & Proteus demo.Click to download project files & Proteus demo.
This source code introduces you to the working of the USART Module
available in ATMEGA 8 @8MHz system clock.
This code does the task of preparing a menu driven user interface on
hyperterminal using the USART Module.
Here the USART Module is configured to operate in the Asychronous
mode. With a Frame format of 8-bit Data with 1 stop bit and no parity
bit the baud rate is fixed for 9600 bps.
#define F_CPU 8000000UL //Define the MPU operating frequency
#include <avr/io.h> //Header file for AVR device specific I/O Definitions.
#include <avr/interrupt.h> //Header file for incorportaing interrupt handling faclity (not used here).
#include <util/delay.h> //Header file for incorporating delay routines.
#include <avr/pgmspace.h> //Header file for incorporating Program space string utilities.
#include <stdlib.h> //ISO Standard library of C functions and macros.
#include "USART.h" //Defines C functions for accessing USART Module.
#define BIT(x) (1 << (x)) //Set a particular bit mask
#define CHECKBIT(x,b) (x&b) //Checks bit status
#define SETBIT(x,b) x|=b; //Sets the particular bit
#define CLEARBIT(x,b) x&=~b; //Sets the particular bit
#define TOGGLEBIT(x,b) x^=b; //Toggles the particular bit
void WaitMs(unsigned int ms);
void welcome_screen(void);
int main()
unsigned int ch;
uart_init(9600); //Initialise the USART Module with the given Baudrate and
//Frame format.
uart_puts_P("\r\n\t************************************************ ");
uart_puts_P("\r\n\t ATMEGA 8 DEVELOPMENT BOARD ");
uart_puts_P("\r\n\t************************************************ ");
uart_puts("\r\n\t\t ");
uart_puts_P("\rWelcome to ElecDude. Press any to display.....");
while(1) //Enter into a uncoditional while loop..
return 0;
void WaitMs(unsigned int ms) //Generate a delay of ms milli second.
unsigned int i;
is there any easy way 2 send intger & float values by uasrt??????
ReplyDeletemay i use this program for two wire intercom as it is an application of atmega8 controller?
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