Here is the simple code for comparing conditional operator and if statement.
module testing;reg foo;wire [3:0] c1,c2,c3;reg [3:0] a=1,b=3,cif1,cif2,cif3;assign c1 = foo ? a : b;
assign c2 = (foo==1) ? a : b;
//case equality
assign c3 = (foo===1) ? a : b;always@(foo or a or b) beginif (foo)cif1 = a;elsecif1 = b;
//equalityif (foo==1)cif2 = a;elsecif2 = b;//case equalityif (foo===1)cif3 = a;elsecif3 = b;endinitial begin$monitor("@%3t :: foo=%b, a=%x, b=%x, c1=%x, c2=%x, c3=%x, cif1=%x ,cif2=%x ,cif3=%x", $realtime,foo,a,b,c1,c2,c3,cif1,cif2,cif3); #10 foo=1;#5 a=a+1;#10 foo=0;#5 b=b+1;#10 foo=1;endendmodule
@ 0 :: foo=x, a=1, b=3, c1=X, c2=X, c3=3, cif1=3 ,cif2=3 ,cif3=3 @ 10 :: foo=1, a=1, b=3, c1=1, c2=1, c3=1, cif1=1 ,cif2=1 ,cif3=1 @ 15 :: foo=1, a=2, b=3, c1=2, c2=2, c3=2, cif1=2 ,cif2=2 ,cif3=2 @ 25 :: foo=0, a=2, b=3, c1=3, c2=3, c3=3, cif1=3 ,cif2=3 ,cif3=3 @ 30 :: foo=0, a=2, b=4, c1=4, c2=4, c3=4, cif1=4 ,cif2=4 ,cif3=4 @ 40 :: foo=1, a=2, b=4, c1=2, c2=2, c3=2, cif1=2 ,cif2=2 ,cif3=2
Based on the simulation, when the condition is X conditional operator outputs X whereas if statement outputs else part. Except this, moreover no difference in execution of these two.